Why I Never Buy Printed Circuit Boards from China?

Why I Never Buy Printed Circuit Boards from China?

I have years of experience working with Chinese companies in the field of Electronics since I had been working with a company, which used to purchase Printed Circuit Boards from China in order to be used in a number of different products that my employer company produced. I was working as an Import and Shipping Manager in that company and one of the core responsibilities of my job was to procure printed circuit board products from China and supply it to our manufacturing plants spread in different parts of the country.
Why I Never Buy Printed Circuit Boards from China?

During my tenure as an import and shipping manager working with many Chinese suppliers to meet the demands of printed circuit boards for my company, I learned a number of different facts about Chinese manufacturers and suppliers, which are mostly not known to the common people. I have discussed these secrets in detail in other blogs on this website, which the readers can explore. However, I am going to provide a summary of some of the glaring points that I found out during my first-hand experience.

One of the most striking facts that I found out about the Chinese companies is that they operate in a highly unprofessional manner, which means that they a do not care much about the satisfaction of the clients but only about their profits. They are not able to provide custom development services for the client’s since they are operating on cheap labor costs which means that they cannot afford technical Engineers who can help technically in customizing the products. A number of Chinese manufacturers can only produce printed circuit boards with little specifications, which means that they could not provide high-quality products that we needed in our development and manufacturing process.

However, instead of coming out clean about their limitations they made high claims every time we contacted a Chinese supplier. In this way, we have to lose a lot of money and time because Chinese suppliers did not what have the professional courtesy to make their limitations known to us. This is a major problem with most of the Chinese suppliers, which is one of the major reasons why I advise my clients not to purchase printed circuit boards from Chinese suppliers and manufacturers.

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