China PCB Prototype & China PCB Fabrication

China PCB Prototype & China PCB Fabrication

Soldering Iron:
The soldering iron is the hand held tool connected electrically to supply the enough heat and temperature to melt the solder so that it can create a joint on a PCB circuit board.

China PCB Prototype & China PCB Fabrication

Wave Soldering Facility:
They are available in different types. The basic principle is still remaining the same. The molten solder are transferred to a PCB circuit board travelling on a conveyor by a pump continuously depositing the molten solder in the form of a standing wave.

These are the simple microscopes used in the laboratories for pcb creation.
In the electronics, they are used to check out the proper soldering of the joints.

Humidity Controlled Chambers:
They are used to control the humidity or water vapor content with in a chamber.
The humidity plays a vital role in good and optimum working of the electronics components and circuit boards.

Magnifying Lamp:
They are used to provide the quality lighting so that there will be no mistake or error while assembling the parts or soldering.

Wrist Straps:
They are used to protect the hands from the toxic materials. Since after the legislation of RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substance).
The toxic elements are not being used therefore they can be used to protect us from the hot burning during the soldering process also.

Static Eliminators:
As we discussed it earlier that the static charges are a big concern for the health and safety issues .
Therefore the static eliminators are used to remove the remaining static charges in a PCB circuit board.
Torque Screw Drivers: In the circuit board design, few of the components and board are to be couple via screws. For the sake of the proper tightening, the torque screw drivers are used.

They provide the enough torque and we can equally apply the same torque to every screw driver that is intended to a particular torque tightening.

Printed Circuit Board Manufacturers China

Printed Circuit Board Manufacturers China

When it comes to the tips or steps related with the electronic printed circuit boards pcbs, most of the people think that it must be with respect to something about soldering, layout or drawing etc. But as far as my experience is concerned, I have noticed that the planning about the final outcome is always on the top of this list for high speed pcb design. In this article we will look firmly into the four tips that relate with the good pcb board circuit.

Printed Circuit Board Manufacturers China

Idea of the Final Product

It is very necessary to have a crystal clear approach to the final destination of your product or relevant project. You can’t simply achieve good results without having a clear perception of pcb easy. For this, we insist to go thru some cool online projects to get assistance in this first step. Rest steps will matter after passing it with flying colors.

Goal Setting

Another approach is Goal Setting. For this reason you must know that what you are striving for the printed circuit board. The clear picture of your purpose of trying is very crucial. You must be firm about it and you should keep trying for it until you reach to your final PCB Design.

Get Ready to Play

After going through the above steps successfully, your next step would be to take the actions on ground. You should now break down your project or circuit board design into different milestones or key performance indicators (KPIs) for the ease of the task.


Last but not the least; the final step is to keep persistent on what you are doing. Go out and play in the open fields. Take the risk, try different approach, learn from your failures, believe in yourself and be patient upon who discourages you. This is how the great pc boards are made.

China Prototype Manufacturing

China Prototype Manufacturing

China Prototype Manufacturing

PCBs Applications in Automotive Sector

  China Prototype Manufacturing and PCB Manufacturing 14+ Years Professional for PCB Assembly, PCB Repair and PCB Supplier

China Prototype Manufacturing

The applications of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) have crossed the barrier and are being served in almost all the divisions of our life. But let’s be focused. When it comes to the automotive sector, the PCBs have captured there as well. From the very basic purpose of lighting to the complex engine control, there is no area left where the circuit boards have not put their feet firm. We will try to illuminate some of the importance and applications of the Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and their counter parts in the automotive industries.

Engine Timing Systems: The engine timing of opening the valves, firing and closure of the valves is very crucial. For smooth driving, everything should be done at a proper rate. For this purpose, PCBs have showed the reliability from the last decade very well.

LED Brake Lights: As we have mentioned earlier that the pc boards have showed great interest for the manufacturers of automobiles when it comes to complex engine timing to the very basic application of brake lights, therefore the LEDs containing the PCBs have replaced the conventional lighting systems in the modern vehicles.

Engine Coolant Level Monitoring: Do you ever wonder when you are on long drives and suddenly an indicator shows up and tells you about your low coolant level. The science behind it is nothing but the smart use of the Printed Circuit Boards.

Global Positioning System (GPS): In the modern vehicles, the GPS is supported by nothing else but the Printed Circuit Boards combination. The system is very responsive and accurate in telling you the precise directions.

Audio Video Equipment: Last but not the least, your audio and video systems are also supported by these devices. Not only is this, the lighting in it, also being done by the smart use of these products.

Terminologies Related with the PCB Manufacturer China

Terminologies Related with the PCB Manufacturer China

Professional prominent printed circuit board manufacturer over 14+ years on time delivery in PCB Manufacturer China. we PCB manufacturer & PCB Assembly service provider in china.

Terminologies Related with the PCB Manufacturer China

In this article we will try to explain the certain terminologies that you will find in our brochures and other PCB Design related magazines and journals. In the PCB Design and Layout, drill holes are mandatory. In the following, we will look the types of holes that are usually used or related with the pc boards. Also we will define a simple term related with the PCB in the end of the article.
Plated Holes (Thru-hole Vias or Full Stack Vias)

They are used in a different situation. When the connection is supposed to be between two components that are at extreme that is one at the top and other at the bottom, then we have no choice but the full thru holes.

Blind Vias

Plated Holes are good until the PCB design becomes complex. For the complex and multi layers circuit boards, we are constraint for more space and volume. Therefore; blind vias come into play. They are connected from the external layer to an internal layer with the least height of the via. And that is why they are referred as “Blind.”

Buried Vias

They are much similar to those of their Blind counter parts. In the Buried Vias, what happens is they are connected from the inner layer to the inner layer. And that is what justifies their name. They are without any doubts use in the bigger and more complex circuit boards.

Copper Tracks

Copper Tracks are the conductive tracks that are simply used to connect or transfer the current among the electrical components. The connection may be between two pads or between a pad or a via. The widths of the tracks can differ, depending on the amount of the current needed to pass thru. We, in our company, calculate the width of these tracks to ensure the proper current passes without any damage.

China PCBs

China PCBs

China PCBs in the Aerospace World

We OFFERING all sorts of high quality China PCBs manufacturing in the world. 14+ years PCB Manufacturing & assembly services production at affordable cost.

China PCBs

Every application and industry sector requires the different Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) based on the level of reliability. When it comes to the Aerospace and Aviation industry, the reliability should be 100% because of the fact that either human life is at stake or the military purpose sustains no risk. In such industries the IPC-III standard is being followed because of the good working under the severe conditions. In the following article, we will look upon the some of the basic applications of the China Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) in the Aerospace and Aviation Industries.

Temperature Sensors:

Temperature sensors and detectors look very simple in some other applications. But their reliability becomes so high when it comes to the question of aerospace and aviation security and life & health control. They should be very sensitive and very reliable in the applications like airplane, rockets and jet fighters etc.

Radio Communication Systems:

The one of the salient features of the aerospace world is its good and fast communication flow. There should be no delay in between and there is no tolerance of bad communication network. For this purpose, high density and high precision, reliable Printed Circuit Boards (China PCBs) are used.

Battery Warming:

This application looks very simple yet it is required and supported by high reliability. As we have mentioned earlier, that in this domain human life is always at stake and there is no way to compromise on this. The Circuit Boards are also used in the Battery Warming purpose. As well as, the fuel control service.

Audio Interface Applications:

They are also used in the proper and audible audio transfer services. It is also highly recommendable that the correct information is transferred at the right time. For this purpose, audio interface applications are deployed and they are supported by the pc boards.

PCB Manufacturers China Cant Suit

PCB Manufacturers China Cant Suit

PCB Manufacturers China Cant Suit

In this article we will try to highlight the certain disadvantages one has to face in general when buying the Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and other related products from third world country. More precisely, it reflects the advantages which you will get when buying from us.

  1. Most of the time when you try to order something, they charge you before the product is delivered to you. So you don’t know what you are paying for and for what quality.
  2. Most of the manufacturers and suppliers do not guarantee the money back and refunds. Thus, quality of the product is not a proof.
  3. Since every manufacturer is not US based like us. So there is always a chance that you have to encounter the language barrier.
  4. Time difference, delivery problems and bad understanding with the customers are the main issues that the buyers have to face when buying the PC Boards.
  5. Most of the time the customers` requirements are customized. The sellers are not equipped with such measures.
  6. The charging of gigantic shipping fees is not an uncommon problem. Sometimes the charges are greater than those of the price of a product.
  7. Fake quality materials selection can not only mal function the certain function of a PCB but also destroys the overall reliability of the circuit board. At us, we make sure to use the first grade materials that are 100% guaranteed to be made in the USA.
  8. There should be proper consulting services as well that a PCB fabricator should offer for his/her customers. A bad customer support service can also derail the customers’ full proof satisfaction. For this reason, highly professional and well skilled work force should be hired and on board any time to help out the buyers. These all services can be found on our platform.

Simple Circuit Board Components For PCB Assembly

Printed Circuit Boards Assembly

The Printed Circuit Board or the printed wiring board becomes a Printed Circuit Boards Assembly (PCBA) when the electronic components are placed on it in their designated places. The first step of PCB designing is the etching out of the copper tracks on the Printed Circuit Boards which involves the ironing of the designed print of the integrated circuit onto the board and then treating it with chemicals for the tracing of the tracks.

Printed Circuit Boards Assembly

Circuit board components are placed on the surface of the PCB in order to get the required device that we need. The placing of the component on the surface of PCB is done with the help of special surface mount technology (SMT) equipment which allows for high efficiency and neatness to be achieved.

A list and detail of some of those components are given below:

  • Solder Paste Application Machines

The first stage of the Printed Circuit Boards assembly is the application of solder paste on the surface of the PCB. The solder paste is applied only to certain places of the board i.e. where components are to be placed as per the design of the integrated circuit board.

  • Reflow Soldering Machine

The third step in the assembly process of printed circuit boards is the reflow soldering process in which the soldering paste is heated to be melted and solidified again so as to affix to components to their designated places.

  • Cold Pressing M/C

Cold Pressing Machine is employed in order to engage the copper layer with the surface of the printed circuit board. It is also used to strengthen the solder paste applied during the assembly process in order to keep the components firmly in their place.

  • Orbotech 1450 AOI with Repair Station

The standard technique of inspection of the PCB assembly is the automatic optical inspection which is done with the help of AOI machine.

  • Placing of the Components (SMT)

After the application of solder paste to the surface of the PCB has been completed, the board moves to the pick and place machine where the components are placed by the machine to their designated places.

  • X-Ray Inspection

The less common method of inspection is the x-ray inspection and used only for layered PCBs. The x-ray inspection allows seeing the inner layers of the PCBs and any problem which may be associated with them.

A list of above-given technology equipment are used by industry for the smooth execution of Printed Circuit Board Assembly process.

USA Not China Is The Best Place To Procure Printed Circuit Boards

Procure Printed Circuit Boards

You may have heard a lot about the US-China trade war and how Chinese companies are ripping off American businesses with their deceitful marketing tactics and getting away with inhumane labor practices in the factories back home but what I am going to tell you in this article is something on a completely different tone. I have had the opportunity of closely studying the product designing, manufacturing, marketing, and customer support ethics and values of major companies in China and USA over the course of last 20 years of my professional life.

Procure Printed Circuit Boards

I have traveled to different cities of China i.e. Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangdong, and spent month looking into the professional practices and ethics of Electronic companies in the country. I personally belong to Chicago, Illinois, USA where I set up my Printed Circuit Board manufacturing company named SynergisePCB Inc. When I set up my company in Chicago, there was one thing that I wanted to make sure of and it was that I have to follow businesses practices completely opposite of which are now been practiced in China.

I wanted to create a brand, which can manufacturer cheap products in the USA; so that the businesses in the USA and other parts of the world do not have to go through the abuse they are subjected to by the Chinese companies. One of the biggest factors behind founding SynergisePCB was to challenge the business owners and oligarchs in China who treat their workers like commodities and robots.

I wanted to create something, which would force the Chinese factory owners to follow internationally accepted standards of business and ethics, to treat their workers like human beings and to treat their customers with the respect that they deserve. This is the goal that I want to relentlessly pursue for the rest of my life and not only do I need you to help me but also do what you can on your part to realize this dream.

Below I have jotted down some of the facts that I learned about doing business with Chinese based companies and how do their practices map out.

Business Practices by Chinese Companies:

  • 100% advance payment: If you are based in the USA, you will have to make 100% advance payment to the Chinese companies through online payments. Most of the businesses in China are unreliable and once they take money, they do not keep the promises that they make in their marketing campaigns. If they deliver, the products are of low quality or have defects. When you confront them, they come up with every other excuse in the Chinese Red Book of Deceitful Business Practices. Since you have made 100% advanced payments and since China is a closed society, you have no other choice but to live with a bitter reality.
  • No quality guarantee of the products: The products manufactured in China have no guarantee since inferior and unprofessional practices are used during the manufacturing process.
  • Inferior quality products: The quality of the products is extremely low and most of them work only for a few days. The ratio of burned out PCBs or broken connections is extremely high.
  • Language barrier: China is a closed and outdated society, which has no managed to lower the barriers with the outside world. Majority of workers, salespeople and customer representatives in China do not know English. This creates a huge language barrier between the USA customers and Chinese businesses, which creates a whole lot of confusions and problems. It is difficult to explain your requirements to the Chinese companies.
  • Time difference: There is a 12-hour time difference between USA and China. It literally means that when there is Day in China, it’s Night at the USA and vice versa. It makes it highly difficult to have one on one communication with Chinese companies during working hours.
  • Time delivery issues: It takes months to deliver products from China to the USA. Sometimes customers have to wait for 2 months before the products can reach the customers.
  • Custom dealing problems: It is highly difficult to have custom designed products manufactured from China since the Chinese companies do not have such capabilities, their engineers are not highly skilled and the language barrier creates hurdles.
  • Extra shipping charges: USA customers have to pay exorbitant delivery charges, which totally negate low-cost mantra of the Chinese businesses.
  • No proper update about your order: It is highly difficult to track your orders since most of the time they do not provide tracking. However, when they do provide tracking, the movement of the products is seldom updated.
  • No proper responsible person: It is difficult to find a person who is willing to take responsibility for your order. Chinese companies have a culture of fear where the representatives are mostly unwilling to take the responsibility that workers of more professional companies would take. You are left alone if something goes south.
  • Made in China/World: “Made in China” products do not have good repute in the world and the term is usually used as a smear. This will affect the credibility of professional businesses in any part of the world if their equipment is “Made in China” labeled.
  • No money back guarantee: Chinese companies never provide money back guarantee no matter what happens. It means that you are taking a risk with your money and time.

Inhumane Labor Practices: Chinese factories treat their labors poorly and have a 996 culture, which has destroyed the social life of Chinese workers and society in general. It is the ethical responsibility of the world to put pressure on these factories to treat their workers in line with the conventions of the civilized world.

Chinese Never Buy Chinese Products then Why Do We?

In this article, I am going to give you many reasons why you should always get all your supplies from American companies:

  • Products Made in U.S.A: You should choose those companies whose products are manufactured in USA. These products will have high quality since they have undergone vigorous manufacturing and testing processing before being approved.
  • No Advance Money: Most companies in USA do not ask for advance money or even if they do, they offer non-satisfaction return warranty. This is a great facility, which is not offered by other companies in different parts of the world.
  • 100% Guarantee on products: There is a 100% satisfaction guarantee on products and a return guarantee. This makes it highly convenient to get all your products from USA based companies.
  • High quality (IPC Standard Class II & III): USA companies follow the internationally recognized standards of manufacturing. This makes these products highly reliable and well performing.
  • Cheap Prices: The rates of the USA manufactured products are actually cheaper as compared to those manufactured in China if you count in the shipping charges and the long lifespan of the American products.
  • High density and high reliability PCBs: These PCBs can only be manufactured in America since they require the use of sophisticated technology.
  • All services at One Place: Most of the companies in USA offer comprehensive and complete solutions for customer requirements.
  • No language barriers: With USA companies, language will never be an issue.
  • Powerful material expertise: The factories and manufacturing plants are well equipped, which gives them high material expertise.
  • Easily place your order from our official website: At SynergisePCB, you can easily place your order online and someone will get in touch with you soon. You can get high-quality services at SynergisePCB, USA.
  • International Shipping at Minimum charges: If you are purchasing from outside of China then the shipping charges applicable are less as compared to shipping from other parts of the world. Shipping is also fast and convenient.
  • Personalized services (Live person 24/7): You will get a great customer support, which is not offered by Chinese companies.

Buying from the USA is the solution and the way forward. SynergisePCB has taken the initiative and now you have to decide if you are up to the challenge or not

Why You Should Always Buy Printed Circuit Boards From American Companies

Cheap PCB

Chinese Never Buy Chinese Products Then Why Do We? American companies are among the world’s most creative, innovative, capable and well-equipped companies but it is unfortunate that the American public likes to get their deliveries from China and other parts of the world. Most advanced and sophisticated technology in the world in available in America and the Printed Circuit Board products manufactured in the country are high-quality as compared to any other part of the world.

Cheap PCB

In this article, I am going to give you many reasons why you should always get all your supplies from American companies:

  • Products Made in U.S.A: You should choose those companies whose products are manufactured in USA. These products will have high quality since they have undergone vigorous manufacturing and testing processing before being approved.
  • No Advance Money: Most companies in USA do not ask for advance money or even if they do, they offer non-satisfaction return warranty. This is a great facility, which is not offered by other companies in different parts of the world.
  • 100% Guarantee on products: There is a 100% satisfaction guarantee on products and a return guarantee. This makes it highly convenient to get all your products from USA based companies.
  • High quality (IPC Standard Class II & III): USA companies follow the internationally recognized standards of manufacturing. This makes these products highly reliable and well performing.
  • Cheap Prices: The rates of the USA manufactured products are actually cheaper as compared to those manufactured in China if you count in the shipping charges and the long lifespan of the American products
  • High density and high reliability PCBs: These PCBs can only be manufactured in America since they require the use of sophisticated technology.
  • All services at One Place: Most of the companies in USA offer comprehensive and complete solutions for customer requirements.
  • No language barriers: With USA companies, language will never be an issue.
  • Powerful material expertise: The factories and manufacturing plants are well equipped, which gives them high material expertise.
  • Easily place your order from our official website: At SynergisePCB, you can easily place your order online and someone will get in touch with you soon. You can get high-quality services at SynergisePCB, USA.
  • International Shipping at Minimum charges: If you are purchasing from outside of China then the shipping charges applicable are less as compared to shipping from other parts of the world. Shipping is also fast and convenient.
  • Personalized services (Live person 24/7): You will get a great customer support, which is not offered by Chinese companies.

Why You Should Never Buy From China


Chinese companies are good at marketing but their products are inferior. They want the world to believe that their products are cheap but in fact their products are low-quality and all low-quality products should be cheap. If you look at the facts objectively, you will find out that buying from China is not the solution but the part of the world. American people have let the Chinese companies get away with mediocracy for such a long time.


Below I have jotted down some of the facts that I learned about doing business with Chinese based companies and how do their practices map out.

Business Practices by Chinese Companies:

  • 100% advance payment: If you are based in the USA, you will have to make 100% advance payment to the Chinese companies through online payments. Most of the businesses in China are unreliable and once they take money, they do not keep the promises that they make in their marketing campaigns. If they deliver, the products are of low quality or have defects. When you confront them, they come up with every other excuse in the Chinese Red Book of Deceitful Business Practices. Since you have made 100% advanced payments and since China is a closed society, you have no other choice but to live with a bitter reality.
  • No quality guarantee of the products: The products manufactured in China have no guarantee since inferior and unprofessional practices are used during the manufacturing process.
  • Inferior quality products: The quality of the products is extremely low and most of them work only for a few days. The ratio of burned out PCBs or broken connections is extremely high.
  • Language barrier: China is a closed and outdated society, which has no managed to lower the barriers with the outside world. Majority of workers, salespeople and customer representatives in China do not know English. This creates a huge language barrier between the USA customers and Chinese businesses, which creates a whole lot of confusions and problems. It is difficult to explain your requirements to the Chinese companies.
  • Time difference: There is a 12-hour time difference between USA and China. It literally means that when there is Day in China, it’s Night at the USA and vice versa. It makes it highly difficult to have one on one communication with Chinese companies during working hours.
  • Time delivery issues: It takes months to deliver products from China to the USA. Sometimes customers have to wait for 2 months before the products can reach the customers.
  • Custom dealing problems: It is highly difficult to have custom designed products manufactured from China since the Chinese companies do not have such capabilities, their engineers are not highly skilled and the language barrier creates hurdles.
  • Extra shipping charges: USA customers have to pay exorbitant delivery charges, which totally negate low-cost mantra of the Chinese businesses.
  • No proper update about your order: It is highly difficult to track your orders since most of the time they do not provide tracking. However, when they do provide tracking, the movement of the products is seldom updated.
  • No proper responsible person: It is difficult to find a person who is willing to take responsibility for your order. Chinese companies have a culture of fear where the representatives are mostly unwilling to take the responsibility that workers of more professional companies would take. You are left alone if something goes south.
  • Made in China/World: “Made in China” products do not have good repute in the world and the term is usually used as a smear. This will affect the credibility of professional businesses in any part of the world if their equipment is “Made in China” labeled.
  • No money back guarantee: Chinese companies never provide money back guarantee no matter what happens. It means that you are taking a risk with your money and time.
  • Inhumane Labor Practices: Chinese factories treat their labors poorly and have a 996 culture, which has destroyed the social life of Chinese workers and society in general. It is the ethical responsibility of the world to put pressure on these factories to treat their workers in line with the conventions of the civilized world.

The online solution is to buy from USA. SynergisePCB is the world’s best Printed Circuit Board manufacturing company in the world with high capabilities. We can take care of all your requirement in a highly professional manner. Please contact us at following contact Nos.