China PCB Prototype & China PCB Fabrication

China PCB Prototype & China PCB Fabrication

Soldering Iron:
The soldering iron is the hand held tool connected electrically to supply the enough heat and temperature to melt the solder so that it can create a joint on a PCB circuit board.

China PCB Prototype & China PCB Fabrication

Wave Soldering Facility:
They are available in different types. The basic principle is still remaining the same. The molten solder are transferred to a PCB circuit board travelling on a conveyor by a pump continuously depositing the molten solder in the form of a standing wave.

These are the simple microscopes used in the laboratories for pcb creation.
In the electronics, they are used to check out the proper soldering of the joints.

Humidity Controlled Chambers:
They are used to control the humidity or water vapor content with in a chamber.
The humidity plays a vital role in good and optimum working of the electronics components and circuit boards.

Magnifying Lamp:
They are used to provide the quality lighting so that there will be no mistake or error while assembling the parts or soldering.

Wrist Straps:
They are used to protect the hands from the toxic materials. Since after the legislation of RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substance).
The toxic elements are not being used therefore they can be used to protect us from the hot burning during the soldering process also.

Static Eliminators:
As we discussed it earlier that the static charges are a big concern for the health and safety issues .
Therefore the static eliminators are used to remove the remaining static charges in a PCB circuit board.
Torque Screw Drivers: In the circuit board design, few of the components and board are to be couple via screws. For the sake of the proper tightening, the torque screw drivers are used.

They provide the enough torque and we can equally apply the same torque to every screw driver that is intended to a particular torque tightening.