Chinese Imported Printed Circuit Boards Are Costly

Chinese Imported Printed Circuit Boards Are Costly

China has been one of the biggest suppliers of Printed Circuit Boards and other mass-produced products for users and distributors in the United States. China has a major manufacturing industry in the world where cheap labor and low-quality product standards make it possible for the manufacturers to keep the prices of the products lower. However, we have discussed this in other blog articles on this site that the actual costs of the Printed Circuit Boards when all factors such as product life, performance, durability, shipping, etc. are considered is higher in China than any other part of the world. Despite this, the suppliers in the United States still prefer buying electronic products from China.
Chinese Imported Printed Circuit Boards Are Costly

This is, however, going to change as the introduction of new taxes by the US Government on imported products from China is going to exponentially drive up the cost of Printed Circuit Boards and other electronic gadgets. It is expected that up to 25% tax will be imposed on these items, which will make it highly unprofitable for the suppliers in the country to import these items from China. This, when coupled with other factors such as the shipping cost, time of delivery and product durability, make a strong case for the users and distributors in the USA to buying the local products.

SynergisePCB Inc offer a wide variety of Printed Circuit Board products since we have advanced capabilities in this field. We offer much lower prices on all our products as compared to those offered by Chinese suppliers. One of the top benefits of getting PCBs and PCBAs from us as compared to the Chinese suppliers is the level of communication we offer. It is extremely difficult to communicate with the Chinese suppliers and customization of items can also be a major issue. However, we offer 24/7 customer support and sales services, which help the customers get the products that they need as per their requirements, high-quality and standards.