Terminologies Related with the PCB Manufacturer China

Terminologies Related with the PCB Manufacturer China

Professional prominent printed circuit board manufacturer over 14+ years on time delivery in PCB Manufacturer China. we PCB manufacturer & PCB Assembly service provider in china.

Terminologies Related with the PCB Manufacturer China

In this article we will try to explain the certain terminologies that you will find in our brochures and other PCB Design related magazines and journals. In the PCB Design and Layout, drill holes are mandatory. In the following, we will look the types of holes that are usually used or related with the pc boards. Also we will define a simple term related with the PCB in the end of the article.
Plated Holes (Thru-hole Vias or Full Stack Vias)

They are used in a different situation. When the connection is supposed to be between two components that are at extreme that is one at the top and other at the bottom, then we have no choice but the full thru holes.

Blind Vias

Plated Holes are good until the PCB design becomes complex. For the complex and multi layers circuit boards, we are constraint for more space and volume. Therefore; blind vias come into play. They are connected from the external layer to an internal layer with the least height of the via. And that is why they are referred as “Blind.”

Buried Vias

They are much similar to those of their Blind counter parts. In the Buried Vias, what happens is they are connected from the inner layer to the inner layer. And that is what justifies their name. They are without any doubts use in the bigger and more complex circuit boards.

Copper Tracks

Copper Tracks are the conductive tracks that are simply used to connect or transfer the current among the electrical components. The connection may be between two pads or between a pad or a via. The widths of the tracks can differ, depending on the amount of the current needed to pass thru. We, in our company, calculate the width of these tracks to ensure the proper current passes without any damage.