Chinese Never Buy Chinese Products Than Why Do We

USA Manufactured PCB

It may appear as a surprise to you but it is a reality that Chinese never buy Chinese products. China is one of the world’s biggest importer of technological gadgets and intelligent machinery since it does not have the capability and capacity to innovate and manufacture high-quality high-tech items. Chinese love to own an iPhone or a Samsung mobile as compared to getting a low-quality oppo or xiaomi smartphone. Similarly, the processors and electronic chip items used in the systems are all imported by the USA and Europe since the Chinese companies do not have the capacity to manufacture them on their own.
USA Manufactured PCB

Chinese never buy Chinese products despite the fact that the Chinese government has highly unfavorable regulations and restrictions against western companies and brands. Most of the popular and high performing western brands have been banned or restricted in China in order to favor the local companies and brands by the Chinese government but the fact remains that the low-quality and copy-kat products manufactured by the Chinese companies by rejected by the Chinese population at large.

Not just the tech brands but fashion and lifestyle brands of the USA and Europe are loved in China and they have managed to find a strong market in the country. The only reason behind this fact that Chinese are not found of the China brand is that they are aware of the false advertising practices followed by those companies are they can easily found out the low standard products manufactured in the country. They are aware of the fact that buying Chinese products is more expensive as compared to high-quality western products, which have better style, performance and last longer.

The only thing that the Chinese companies are good at is the exploitation of their workers
through business and factory practices, which are dismantling the social life of the workers. Chinese people, who have suffered these horrific practices, understand that buying these products will only give air to the demoralizing practices followed by the business leaders in China.

However, there is also no doubt that a lot of people in the USA and the western world insist on buying products from China. This is where the question arises, “Chinese Never Buy Chinese Products than why do we?” The problem is that China is a closed country with laws and regulations, which are oblivious of the standards of the civilized world. The truth about China, the factory practices and the manufacturing standards in China are unknown to the people in the West. China has successfully managed to promote the false narrative that its products are cheaper so they are worth buying. It is, however, untrue and the Chinese products are anything but cheaper if all the criteria of cost analysis are considered.

It is a mere common sense deduction that if Chinese people are not buying their own products than they clearly know something about these products that we do not know. It is about time that we should stop ignoring the facts and call the Chinese products and companies for what they are i.e. expensive, low quality and product of exploitation of Chinese workers.

Printed Circuit Boards are among those products, which are now greatly imported from China but if we compare China-manufactured PCBs with the USA manufactured PCBs than we will find out that the USA manufactured PCBs are better quality, high performing, long lasting and cheap. SynergisePCB Inc has taken it upon itself to counter the false narrative of the Chinese companies by providing high quality and cheap PCBs to the users all over the world. Our capabilities are comparable to all the major players in the USA. We are based in Chicago since 2005 offering excellent services to our clients. You can get in touch with us if you are looking for quick and reliable services at contacts giving below:

Why Buying From China Can Hurt Your Business

Why Buying From China Can Hurt Your Business

You may not realize this readily that buying from China can actually hurt your business since we have heard a lot about how cheap Chinese products are or mass production factories. While it may be true that the Chinese products by their face value are priced less as compared to the United States but the hidden truth is much different. There are a number of business in the United States that have suffered massive losses or went bankrupt because they relied on Chinese suppliers.

Why Buying From China Can Hurt Your Business

This problem has been witnessed most commonly in the Electronics industry and especially in the Printed Circuit Boards industry. Businesses that relied on Chinese suppliers in order to provide Printed Circuit Boards to use in their products badly lost the trust of their customers. Some of the reasons why you can lost your business or buying from china can hurt your business are as follows:

  1. Low Quality Products: In USA, the trust between the business and the customers is based on the quality of the products being offered. customers in the United States care more about the quality of the products than they do for the price. In case, the quality is low or not up to the standards, you may lose your business even with long-term customers.
  2. Delivery Issues: The shipping from China can be delayed even for months that can result in major issues for the customers. You may not be able to supply the products to the customers if you do not have the stock. This can lead to many problems for your business as the customers can turn to other trusted local suppliers.
  3. Lack of Support: Communicating with customers in china is a difficult task as you may not always be successful in getting your requirements across. This can lead to technical issues in the products. Seeking support from Chinese manufacturers can also be a problem that can leave you unable to solve the queries of your customers.


Buying USA Vs Buying China How To Make The Best Trading Decisions

Buying USA Vs Buying China How To Make The Best Trading Decisions

The ongoing trade war between China and USA is a source of great excitement for the media outlets since something like this has not happened for a long period of time between the two countries. However, at the same time, it is a source of great concern for the businesses who have to rely regularly on purchasing their products from the Chinese suppliers and Chinese manufacturers. China is one of the major trading partners of the USA and the annual trading between the two countries is more than 500 billion dollars. A number of businesses in the United States relied on Chinese suppliers mostly in the field of Electronics such as Printed Circuit Boards, in order to offer other services to the customers in the United States.

Buying USA Vs Buying China How To Make The Best Trading Decisions

Similarly, since labor cost in China is cheaper as compared to in the United States, a number of companies were operating their manufacturing plants in China instead of operating them in the United States. However, due to the ongoing trade war between the two countries both USA and China have increased tariffs on imports from respective countries due to which the advantage of cheap labor that businesses had in buying from China is now going to vanish because the tariffs of almost 25% on different products are going to drive up the prices to a greater degree.

It is expected that businesses may have to pay a lot more than what they might pay in case they bought their product from the USA. Buying from China is becoming highly nonproductive for businesses since the price advantage factor cannot be counted anymore. It is also expected that if the trade war persisted for a longer period then and the prices are going to rise even further. The charges on delivery services from China to the USA are also going to rise because the trade was has affected every industry around the world.

The electronics industry has also been hit badly by the ongoing trade war since a number of high tariffs have been imposed on the import of electronic goods from China. It is, therefore, advised that the local USA businesses should purchase their printed circuit board supplies from manufacturers in the USA as compared to relying on the Chinese suppliers. In this way, they will be able to offer high-quality Services to their clients in the country while also manage to save money, which they may lose in case they relied on Chinese suppliers.